Brand code

Westerfilde & Bodelschwingh:

Developed by the neighborhood for the neighborhood!

The brand "Westerfilde & Bodelschwingh: green on the outside - colorful on the inside" was developed in several workshops by local activists. It reflects the identity of the neighborhood: honest, cheerful and self-confident, locally patriotic and relaxed, communal and multicultural, open and integrating, lively and 100 percent Ruhrpott.

The brand can and should be used in this spirit: by residents and stakeholders, by committed people in associations and everyone who identifies with Westerfilde and Bodelschwingh. The brand bundles the activities in the district and places them under a common denominator that increases the radiance of all - creating identity internally and having a public impact externally:

Logo von Quartiersmanagement Westerfilde Bodelschwingh in Rot

Westerfilde & Bodelschwingh

outside green - inside colorful

Illustration Transport Musik

How is the neighborhood brand used?

The logo is an umbrella brand with considerable recognition value and acts as THE sender for campaigns and events: it localizes the event in terms of spatial and image aspects.

The use of the trademark is primarily intended for activities that improve the quality of life in the district or the image of the district, strengthen the community or strengthen identification with the district. Examples of its use include cultural and community events such as the summer festival, the Spiel- und SportMOBIL, music events, the living Advent calendar, soccer tournaments, open days or participation campaigns in the district.

Businesses based in Westerfilde or Bodelschwingh can and should use the brand to draw attention to their location and show: "We like being here!" - e.g. in their email signature, as a stamp on their envelopes, as an indication of their location on company stationery or on business cards. The logo should always stand for itself. It is not intended to be integrated into the company's own corporate design.

The pictograms can be used to further develop and expand the brand. Ideas for new pictograms are also welcome. In this case, however, it is imperative that the City of Dortmund, Office for Urban Renewal, Urban Renewal and Neighborhood Development Department, which has registered the trademark with the German Patent and Trademark Office, is involved. In principle, the logo and claim have been developed for free use and are freely available for you to download at: We reserve the right to object in individual cases.

What does the neighborhood brand look like?

The core of the brand consists of the "W&B" signet, which is surrounded by a WESTERFILDE & BODELSCHWINGH. The diversity of the district is illustrated by numerous pictograms, which can be used in combination with the logo or as a stand-alone hidden object. In the center of the logo, the "W&B" signet can be replaced by the pictograms so that everyone can express their relationship to Westerfilde & Bodelschwingh according to their personal preference.

What should be taken into account when setting the logo?

  • The logo is therefore always placed in the top third of the medium on flyers, posters, postcards, websites etc. - unless they are municipal publications. This allows clear differentiation from media partners and sponsors.

  • The shape of the logo must not be altered, distorted or changed. The positioning of the brand components in relation to each other must be maintained (position of the monogram and the title blocks, position of the pictogram within the pictogram, etc.).

Application examples

The logo in its different color variants:

Logos with different pictograms according to your own preferences in the neighborhood:
Hidden object picture, rectangular:
The neighborhood brand as part of posters and flyers: