Kulturrucksack Stadt Dortmund
Contact persons
Susanne Henning
Kampstr. 6
44137 Dortmund
What is the Kulturrucksack NRW?
The Kulturrucksack NRW aims to promote the personal development of young people through education in the fields of art and culture and to make offers available free of charge and for everyone as far as possible. Throughout the year, the "Kulturrucksack Dortmund" program offers a wide variety of workshops in which children and young people aged 10-14 can take part free of charge or at a greatly reduced cost and thus continue their cultural education while having fun. In addition, cultural professionals, cultural institutions as well as extracurricular educational institutions, clubs etc. can apply for funding for a Kulturrucksack project in Dortmund in the current year.
What is funded
On the one hand, the Kulturrucksack NRW in Dortmund offers various workshops throughout the year and tries to offer them free of charge.
On the other hand, it is possible to apply for funding for a Kulturrucksack project in Dortmund
Who can apply for funding
All ten to 14-year-olds can take part in the workshops on offer. In addition, cultural professionals, cultural institutions as well as extracurricular educational institutions and associations who wish to have their project funded in Dortmund can submit an application
How to apply for funding
The program of the workshops offered is available on the homepage. An application for project funding can be completed via the city's homepage.