Westerfilde Tenants' Initiative
Contact persons
Monika Hohmann
Wolfgang Knappmann
This is us
The Westerfilde Tenants' Initiative has been working voluntarily and independently for the interests of tenants in Westerfilde and Bodelschwingh for over 15 years.
It was set up with the support of Mieterverein Dortmund und Umgebung e.V. due to major upheavals and problems in the local housing market.
In addition to Ms. Hohmann as spokesperson, Mr. Kaczmarek and Mr. Knappmann are also experienced contacts.
Our goals
The tenants' initiative supports individual tenants with problems with landlords, real estate companies and authorities. In particular, older tenants are also advised and supported with questions and problems relating to their apartment. Contact or a joint visit to the responsible housing administration can be arranged.
On the other hand, it is involved in the individual estates with problems that affect all tenants (refurbishment, rent increases, ancillary costs, energy costs, littering, etc.). In addition to making direct contact with the estate administration and the owners, it also works with the City of Dortmund, the tenants' association and political decision-makers where necessary. The tenants' initiative also participates in the Westerfilde/Bodelschwingh neighborhood management projects.
The aim is to improve living conditions, maintain affordable housing and improve the living environment so that people can enjoy living here.
Our offer
Regular meetings of the tenants' initiative: on the 2nd Thursday of the month, 6:30 pm, in the Ev. parish hall, Westerfilder Str. 11.
The invitations are published in the display case of the parish hall and online on the district website.
Together with various partners, the tenants' initiative organizes information events at irregular intervals, e.g. on the Dortmund rent index, changes to tenancy law or saving energy in the home.
Current information on energy costs
At the tenants' meeting on 12.10.23, Rainer Stücker from Mieterverein Dortmund & Umgebung explained the current situation regarding energy costs and assistance.
Flyers from various organizations can provide those affected or entitled to apply for further information.
Flyers and links on the subject of energy costs (in German):
Climate protection measures (co2online.de)
Explanations on electricity consumption (Stromspiegel.de)
Help and cost subsidies (energie-hilfe.org)
Compilation of the DGB Hellweg on assistance in the region: